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Pink Roses Lovely Bouquet

item #: 1176
(3 customer reviews)

Roses in the middle of spring are such a great way to say “I love you.” Our roses are carefully selected for their unique qualities and their vibrant colors.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.



regular infoRoses are designed to be delivered as close to the arrangement pictured as possible.


deluxe infoLarger or long stem roses are used for your arrangement.

Roses in the middle of spring are such a great way to say “I love you.” Our roses are carefully selected for their unique qualities and their vibrant colors.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.

Based on 3 reviews

5.0 overall

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  1.  Jamie S.

    Jamie S.

    Delivered on time and looked beautiful.

    Jamie S.

  2.  Berthe Marie Antoine B.

    Berthe Marie Antoine B.

    The gues is very Happy
    Les fleurs étaient très belles et à donner de la joie et du bonheur merci

    Berthe Marie Antoine B.

  3.  Maria F

    Maria F

    The pink roses were so precious! I ordered these for myself as a treat. My living room needed something extra to liven up the space. I have people visit a great deal and these roses really spruced things up!

    Maria F