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Pink Paradise

item #: 4862
(3 customer reviews)

Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere with our fresh flowers. Our roses are beautifully arranged in a vibrant and unique bouquet, perfect for any occasion.


Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere with our fresh flowers. Our roses are beautifully arranged in a vibrant and unique bouquet, perfect for any occasion.


Regular, Deluxe, Premium

Based on 3 reviews

5.0 overall

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  1.  Catrina  B.

    Catrina B.

    Awesome my mom loved the flowers thank you very much

    Catrina B.

  2.  William H G.

    William H G.

    The actual flower arrangement was not nearly as full as the one on display. Notwithstanding, we were very pleased with the product delivered, as it was very appropriate for the occasion.

    William H G.

  3.  William H G.

    William H G.

    The actual flower arrangement was not nearly as full as the one on display. Notwithstanding, we were very pleased with the product delivered, as it was very appropriate for the occasion.

    William H G.