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One Dozen Red Roses

item #: 5126
(3 customer reviews)

Send your loved one the perfect romantic gesture with this beautiful bouquet of red roses. Beautifully arranged in a glass vase, these flowers are sure to make them feel loved and appreciated.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.

$64.99 $84.99

Send your loved one the perfect romantic gesture with this beautiful bouquet of red roses. Beautifully arranged in a glass vase, these flowers are sure to make them feel loved and appreciated.

The arrangement shown represents the style we'll create with a similar look. While we strive to match it, some flowers may vary due to availability and freshness, with substitutions made to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item.

Based on 3 reviews

5.0 overall

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  1.  Robin Butler

    Robin Butler

    A dozen really beautiful and large red roses in clear glass vase were a a great birthday gift for my mom and she was ecstatic to receive them. There were also some assorted greens and eucalyptus. GREAT COMPANY! Ordered flowers on Saturday for my mom’s birthday on Sunday. They called and said they couldn’t complete the delivery on Sunday since the florist was closed and it will be there by Monday. Monday did it come and she loved them!

    Robin Butler

  2.  Eugene R.

    Eugene R.

    Roses were beautiful.

    Eugene R.

  3.  Eugene R.

    Eugene R.

    Roses were beautiful.

    Eugene R.