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item #: 3122
(3 customer reviews)

This beautiful and vibrant bouquet of roses will express your feelings of joy and happiness. Featuring stunning deep purple and shimmering white petals, this bouquet is sure to make a statement.


This beautiful and vibrant bouquet of roses will express your feelings of joy and happiness. Featuring stunning deep purple and shimmering white petals, this bouquet is sure to make a statement.

Based on 3 reviews

4.7 overall

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  1.  judi l.

    judi l.

    the day of delivery I was informed that the color of the flowers would be substituted. I could not cancel order then or flowers would not be delivered on time. I suggest if you do not have a color of flower, do not advertise it. Recipient said it was lovely and smelled good.

    judi l.

  2.  Dolores B.

    Dolores B.

    Courteous excellent service.

    Dolores B.

  3.  Dolores B.

    Dolores B.

    Courteous excellent service.

    Dolores B.